
Best of 2024

Voting is open until Dec 19, 2024 23:59
More than 1,700 people have participated in our 2023 Yorck Audience Poll. All films that hat an official German release between 20.12.23-12.12.24 qualified.
We're thrilled by your large interest and are grateful to everyone who voted!

so wohltuend, so einnehmend, so hoffnungsvoll - und gleichzeitig so ernst, komplex, tragisch und vollkommen unkitschig. ein film der sich ganz langsam verwandelt von einer gescheiterten exitenz in eine hoffnungsvolle zuversicht - und so auch die zuschauer:in. Phantastische Hauptdarstellerin, wundervolle Bilder der Natur, die sehr gut mit der Geschichte verbunden worden sind. Das Meer als Orchester und sie ist die Dirigentin, ein magisches Bild zum Schluß, Zuversicht ausstrahlend. Großartig inszeniert! Sehr nah dran. Tolle Schauspielerin.
”Ein Film wie ein Rausch, wild, romantisch, gewalttätig, sanft, rasant, einfach umwerfend.“ ”I loved how layered the story is and the acting and all the characters. Also the colors, the outifts, the music. It was by far the best movie for me this year.” ”Eine wilde Mischung verschiedener Genres, tolle Darstellerinnen, spannendes Drehbuch. Einfach alles, was Kino kann. Unterhaltsam, rasant, nachdenklich und sehr politisch.”
War drei mal im Kino und hat mich jedes Mal mitgerissen. Vor allem das visuelle und der Sound. Beeindruckende Bildgewalt, Soundtrack und -design sind umwerfend, sinnvoller und zielführender Handlungsstrang mit gutem Pacing, Schauspielerische Leistung ist Weltklasse, es stimmt so ziemlich alles. Eine der fesselndsten Kinoerlebnisse jemals; der Fernseher wird diesem Film nicht gerecht. “Cinematic in every sense, just three hours that flew by surrounded by excellent worldbuilding, performances, cinematography and score“
”Guadanino is one of my favorite directors and he takes so many risks in this movie and they all pay off. Plus it’s super hot and the music slaps.”“Because of Josh O'Connor“ my cinema experience was awesome. We laughed we gasped and couldn't stay still towards the end. On the bike ride home we couldn't stop talking about how fucking amazing this movie was!
“Reminded me of trashy gory body horrors from the 90s, and when I left the room, I hated it. But it has so many layers, touches so many ever-relevant topics that it took me a few days to completely process and stop thinking about it, it absolutely blew my mind.“ ”It created 2+ full hours of stress and appreciated how the message was presented + turning the film into a comedy of itself during the last 15 minutes. Also the pictures and cast were perfect” ”The Substance is gory on the surface but deals with so many real world issues that I can relate to as a woman confronted with of over-the-top beauty standards and societal expectations to conform. Watching this movie in the cinema was such a great collective experience of shock and laughter as the plot got more and more ridiculous.”
What a great movie to makes us think from a different perspective. I see it as a mix of fairy tale with sci-fi, not to mention the beautiful photografy best movie i ever saw in a cinema. finally giving the "born sexy yesterday" trope its overdue emancipation

Perfect Days

This movie validates my crave for a simple life - happiness is found within you Original, inspiring, and astonishing.” It felt like therapy. Wonderful film, it should be available weekly forever to keep people Zen!



As a Russian working in English and having lived in Armenia for some time, I found this cast of characters incredibly funny. I also personally like Yura Borisov for his other roles. There was a good mix of Irish black humor, both absurdist and realistic tone of the story, good references to great directors and generally good cinematography and camera work.”i had the best time in the cinema can‘t remember the last time a movie made me laugh this hard and moved me at the same time The performances (across the board, but M. M. epsecially) were phenomenal. With all the compassion in the world, Sean Baker manouvers this rollercoaster of a film wonderfully from start to devestating finishSean Baker's refined style and the perfect amalgamation of music, actors, editing and a marvellous screenplay. Nothing beats it.


The Zone of Interest

“I saw The Zone of Interest with good friends in an almost sold-out session months ago at Kino International in Berlin. I can still feel the heaviness of the silence when the credits rolled. The only other session that felt like this was "Das weiße Band" (also with Christian Friedel) by Haneke, in the very same cinema many years ago. I almost couldn't connect with the film, and it felt incredibly disturbing without showing anything explicit, but we could hear and feel it. The only moments I could really enjoy were when the "girl that glows" appeared. And what a beautiful and necessary speech during the Oscars. This is cinema.““Because it left me uncomfortable for days. It made the biggest impression on me. They didn't show any violence, yet it was terrifying.““The simplicity of presenting a terrifying story was breathtaking. Great performances. The use of sounds instead of music.““This movie has changed me on a deep, foundational level. I fear its study of how seemingly ordinary people can carry out extreme acts of violence is only going to become more and more relevant in our near future.


All of Us Strangers

The most touching movie I have seen in years. Outstanding performances by both lead actors (Give Andrew Scott his Oscar!). And you won't get "The Power of Love" out of your ear for weeks - My eyes still get wet whenever I hear it. There is not one single thing to criticize about it, just a perfect 10/10.This movie connects on such a deep level. The story, performances, cinematography, score, soundtrack. Everything works together to produce a beautiful portrait of love and grief.I bawled my eyes out. I have never been moved so much by a movie.This was the best movie about the loneliness in modern society that I ever was blessed to seesad and gayTraurig-schönster Film, den ich je gesehen habe, über queere Einsamkeit und die heildende Kraft der Liebe.
Encore Screening
Wir zeigen All Of Us Strangers zur Feier des Titelgewinns in ausgewählten Vorstellungen.
Zu den Spielzeiten
Das Yorck-Team hat ebenfalls für die Lieblingsfilme des Jahres gestimmt und eine eigene Top 10-Liste angefertigt. →

10. Crossing

9. The Holdovers

8. Poor Things

7. I Saw the TV Glow

6. La Chimera

5. The Zone of Interest

4. All of Us Strangers

3. Anora

2. Challengers

1. Love Lies Bleeding